dR. benjamin karner
Senior Pastor
Dr. Karner and his wife Karen came to Pine Forest Baptist Church in December 2022. Ben and Karen have 3 children. Dr. Karner has a passion for teaching the Word of God and equipping the church to do the work of the ministry. He has adopted the ministry theme of “moving people from where they are to where God wants them to be.” The ministry theme encompasses and illustrates the spiritual journey we are called to walk. God has given His church the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, which must be the focal point of an obedient New Testament church.
Link to his book "Unity in the Body" - https://www.amazon.com/Unity-Body-Benjamin-Karner/dp/1512773018
Link to his book "Unity in the Body" - https://www.amazon.com/Unity-Body-Benjamin-Karner/dp/1512773018

Rev. Justin Marcantel
Associate Pastor - Youth
Justin was called by Pine Forest Baptist Church in June, 2011 and began serving as Minister to Youth June 15th. Justin Graduated from Lumberton High School in 2000. He graduated from Hi-Tech Institute of Phoenix, AZ with a degree in drafting. He was ordained as a minister of the gospel at Pine Forest Baptist Church January 13, 2013 during the evening worship service. Justin served previously at First Baptist, Loeb as a youth leader and Minister of Youth of First Baptist, Kountze, TX.
Justin married Jessica Shaw from PFBC. The couple have two sons, Corbin and Jackson.
Justin married Jessica Shaw from PFBC. The couple have two sons, Corbin and Jackson.

MRs. Kelly M. Smith
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Kelly began her ministry at Pine Forest Baptist Church in 2012. She joined PFBC after marrying her husband James who is also a deacon of the church. Kelly felt God leading her into children's ministry many years ago and has a true heart for instructing in the Bible and sharing the Gospel with all ages. Through various children's activities and events, she always wants to point families to Christ.

MRs. Karen Karner
Music Director
Karen Karner grew up in a Southern Baptist Church in College Station, TX. It was there she grew to love worshipping God through music and began studies in violin, viola, cello, and piano. She first began leading worship for a Christian Band in 2002, called 5 Smooth Stones. Since then, she has led worship in many churches across North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Texas. She currently holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Religion.
Ministry Assistants
Support Staff
Melanie Lindsey - Senior Pastor's Assistant / Financial
Thomas Coggins - Education Ministry Assistant / Communications
Thomas Coggins - Education Ministry Assistant / Communications